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So this is just a test to see how the post system works, so instead of writing something for a grade I’m just going to rant about literature that I like.

One of my favorite short stories ever is Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl (famous for his children’s stories like Matilda and The Witches). I’m not going to spoil any of it, because when I read it for the first time I had no context and didn’t know what to expect, which made it even more insane when I finished it. Anyways, as a whole I would rate Lamb to the Slaughter a 4/5 stars and definitely recommend it to anyone, whether you like short stories or not.

Another short form of literature I enjoy is poetry. Fun fact: I participated in a poetry competition in my Junior year of high school called Poetry Out Loud. Poems I really like include: On Quitting by Edgar Albert Guest, Amor Mundi by Christina Rossetti, and Across the Bay by Donald Davie. These are honestly just a few of the poems I like, and it would take too much time to review them all specifically so my final thoughts on them are 4/5 stars, 5/5 stars, and 4/5 stars respectively. and obviously you should read them.

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