Assignments (literal)

Hist 390- Security & Personal Data

Assignment: Google yourself using a bunch of different terms and reflect on the experience.

This one was really fun for me lol

Going into this, I already knew what few things about me would pop up. By just using my name in quotations, I found two things that were actually related to me. First, my LinkedIn profile, which is pretty obvious- it’s literally me. Second was actually a Words on Fire Festival page, because in 11th grade I competed in their Poetry Out Loud competition and got 2nd place in the District competition (one of my proudest achievements actually. Also I was robbed by a white boy with a British accent thats not even genuine), so my name shows up under 2nd place. Both of these are considerably effective results! When adding “DC” to the search, it’s just my LinkedIn and more Words on Fire links, so relatively equal effectiveness.

As I said, when going into this assignment I already knew some things that would pop up about me (because I’ve previously searched my name lol), and one of the main things I was expecting was the Poetry Out Loud results! Honestly, I wasn’t really expecting to see my LinkedIn profile, but that’s mainly because I forgot I had one. I barely use it… Anyways, there’s actually one more surprising result, which is some kind of tax form (it’s called 990-PF), which I think is some kind of audit or tax summary for non-profits? Anyways, the form was filled out for The Poetry Foundation (company that did the competition), and because I got a cash prize for getting 2nd place, I’m listed on the form since they spent money on me. So that’s pretty cool I guess.

One of the main ways that I could increase my digital security is by using a VPN. In the past few years, I’ve seen a lot of promotion for VPNs and people saying that they’d definitely recommend it, but every program I see is a paid service, and I don’t have money for that. But I’ve recently discovered in class that there are some free versions (that also make you pay for the full version, which is annoying). So some day in the future when I have enough money to spare on a VPN subscription, it’s something I would consider getting to increase my digital security.

OK Bye 😀

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