Assignments (literal)

Hist 390- Tropy

Assignment: Download Tropy and use it to log 5 primary sources for your research project. Write an introductory paragraph to your research topic and a screenshot of all of your sources on Tropy.

My research project is on the significant historical figures that contributed to the founding of Washington, DC, and what each of their impacts were. This of course includes looking into some of the more obvious and recognizable names like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, but also some lesser individuals like Andrew Ellicott. Each of these people (and more) had some kind of significant impact on the original creation of DC. In my project, I will go into detail about each of their work in the matter and how it contributes to the making and upbringing of DC as a whole.

Tropy Screenshots (proud of myself for finding these sources because WOW that was not easy. Took hours out of my life and off of my lifespan.):

(Also the labels aren’t the official titles for the sources, just what I’m calling them for clarity)

1: Plan for Washington DC by Andrew Ellicott and Samual Hill

2: Draft of the Capitol Building by Etienne Sulpice Hallet

3: George Washington’s Proclamation of DC’s territory by George Washington (I was personally very excited about finding this source, I imagined what it would be there when it was announced)

4: Residence Act of 1791 by Sixth Congress

5: US Constitution (EASIEST PRIMARY SOURCE EVER!!!!) by James Madison and the peanut gallery*

Ok Bye 😀

*James Madison and the Peanut Gallery would make a great children’s book and I stand by that.

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