Assignments (literal)

Hist 390- Twine

Assignment: Make a historical game using the Twine program.

A picture of the full Twine web is at the bottom of this post!

After creating my Twine, I feel that being able to make a game related to my topic instead of writing an essay is an overall better experience. For one, I don’t feel the need to be professional or keep a serious tone because games are meant to be fun, and instead I can focus on being creative and actually enjoying what I’m making. One of the best factors of creative expression in the Twine is the ability to make different branching narratives. I feel that this feature is really great because I not only get to represent this historical event in my own perspective, but I also get to offer the player a new perspective through alternate events. The only drawback I can think of for the branching narratives though is that it’s easy to accidentally get caught up in details that don’t make sense, especially if you combine different pathways. I definitely did my best to avoid this in my Twine, but nothing is full proof of course. Still, being able to choose how I tell the story (the first person POV) made it easier to immerse the player in the game while also educating them on the historical facts of the scenario.

Hope you enjoy the game and please choose the gaslight option I think it’s really funny.

OK Bye 😀

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